Money seems to be tight for everyone nowadays. I wanted to share with everyone a few things that my family and I do to save money.
1. I hand wash all dishes. Even though we have a dishwasher I don't use it, seems like a waste to use all that electricity on something I can do myself.
2. Set your air at 82 during the summer months and 72 during the winter months. This actually really helps out with the electricity bill!
3. We spend a certain amount at the grocery store each week. Setting a limit on the amount you want to spend and making a list really helps you not binge shop.
4. When I do laundry all or the adult shirts get hung up on coat hangers to dry rather than putting them in the dryer. A smaller load of laundry means that you wont have to dry it as long as you would a large load, thus saving you more money!
5. Clip coupons and catch sales whenever possible!!
What are some things that you do to save money? I'm always looking for ways to save as much as possible. Raising kids is expensive enough, but it's always nice to save a little bit wherever you can!
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