My life as a stay at home mom of two boys...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

College mommas..

With less than two weeks before school starts I have an overwhelming feeling to get everything done! Since I took last semester off to have Jonah, I feel like I won't be able to handle classes with two kids and housework. I have to stop and tell myself, "You can do this, other moms do it all the time with less help than you and they have to work too!" But still I have that little voice in the back of my head that is telling me that I will fail. Well you know what I am bound and determined that I am not going to fail and I am going to be able to accomplish every single goal for myself this semester. I just want to give a big shout out to all the other college mommas who are juggling school, work, kids and housework, you ladies are truly amazing women and my motivation!

1 comment:

Amber Nicole said...

Hey lady! You won day 1 of my bloggy week long giveaways!
email me at telling me which scents and smells you want for each one and your mailing address, please and i'll send it to Renee! :)