My life as a stay at home mom of two boys...

Monday, September 26, 2011


So this weekend didn't quite turn out like I wanted it to, oh well!
I can't plan everyday in advance when I have to little ones...
David Jr got to go fishing with his Daddy Saturday and he was so excited, he came back telling me all about how Daddy got bit by a fish. The way he described it made me giggle, and of course he put in a few sound effects for me. 
Jonah and I hung out at the house and cleaned and worked on some Psychology work. Or shall I say he watched me clean and made some more messes for me to clean up! As for the Psychology work, I managed to read another chapter and do the quiz. 
I just had to share this with y'all (yes I'm from Texas and I do say "y'all" alot!)
I must say they gave those poor people at the photo studio a hard time, but the pictures turned out amazing!

On another note Amber is having another giveaway! How cool is that? Pretty dang awesome if you ask me! I really enjoy reading her blog and I think that you would too. So go check it out. 

Friday, September 23, 2011

I won, YAY!!

I was so excited to hear that I won Amber's Day 1 giveaway! I really wanted to win this one too...
 I can't wait to get my soap, wax tart and lotion in.
If I were you I would definetly go visit She's got so many amazing things and all the different scents just sounds so wonderful. I will be doing some holiday shopping through her website!

On another note tomorrow is Nickelodeon's 8th annual Worldwide Day of Play. I think that it is amazing that they are shutting down both its TV programming and websites for three hours. What other TV program or website encourages kids to get out and play?? So looks like me and the kiddos will be spending most of the day outside enjoying the nice cooler weather.

Oh and did I mention I'm super happy that today is the first day of Autumn? Yup, this lady is so very great-full for that. This means nice, cooler weather and holiday time!